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Is your team struggling to function well? Is there conflict involved? Is the structure not working?

Susan is excited by helping teams and their managers work out what they need to do to create maximum impact, drive performance and achieve results.

Often, it takes an independent set of eyes to identify what is stopping a team from being their best. Susan will work with you and your team to work out why they might not be functioning as well as they could be.

She can help with:

  • How to put together a good team
  • How to communicate and collaborate with your team
  • How to manage difficult conversations
  • Facilitation of conciliation/mediation/conflict management
  • Sitting as an independent member on recruitment panels

Sometimes, completion of a diagnostic, survey or other assessment tool might be beneficial to provide additional insight or clarity into your issue.  If Susan identifies this need, she will connect you with her network of experts in the field.

Find out more.